Be sure to check out the Black Friday ads over at.
Just a few tips to utilize during your Black Friday Shopping Extravaganza!!!!
- Make a list
2. Know your first "Stop"
Know which store you want to hit first. This should be the store that you will get the best deal from. You know that most stores only have a limited amount on certain items, especially if it's a hot item. One year a store gave out coupons for the limited items and only those that had the coupon got the item. Pay attention to limited quantities.
3. Go with a Friend
This will help with your safety for one and second you and your shopping budddy can create a plan to divide and conquer both of your lists in each store.
4. Know prices $$$
This is also important. Some stores will mark up their prices during the months of November and December. When the ads come out you think you are getting a great deal. Research is key.
5. Get a sitter
Ladies this is not the time to bring the little ones out for a shopping trip. People during Black Friday shopping are CRAZY!!! Trust ME! They will push, run and argue over the smallest item.
6. Bundle Up
If you are standing outside in line of a store at say ohhhh 2:00 AM waiting for the doors to open at 4 AM. You will need to wear layers.
7. Safety
As said before people get a little crazy on Black Friday. Lock your car doors and put any belongings out of sight (this includes your packages, cell phones, radar detectors, etc.)
8. Traffic
Be prepared to sit in a little traffic or a lot depending on the city you live in. The malls will be nutz. I try and avoid the malls on this day or get in and get out early.
So there ya have it folks a few tips to help you with your Black Friday shopping needs. Me and the hubs plan to be out and about this year as well and I can't wait. Something about the hustle and bustle about it...don't really know or it could be the deals. Ha!
Happy Black Friday Shopping!!!